Today, three new vaccination centers will open in Vienna. Each can vaccinate 2,000 people per week. However, capacities will be expanded as more vaccine becomes available.
There have been eight vaccination centers in Vienna so far. Now three more of the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK) will be added. They are located in the Hanusch Hospital in Penzing, the Health Center Neubau in Andreasgasse and the Health Center Floridsdorf in Karl-Aschenbrenner-Gasse.
Waiting for more vaccine
Initially, a total of 6,000 people per week will be vaccinated at the three new sites. Starting in April, capacities can be significantly increased if larger quantities of vaccine are delivered, according to the office of the city health council.
The additional sites are also intended to accommodate the elderly Viennese, who are currently being targeted with a special vaccination campaign. All over 90-year-olds who are registered online have received an invitation from the city to fix a vaccination appointment.
Locations spread throughout the city
Except for those who are vaccinated at their respective facilities, all will receive their Covid 19 vaccination at the city’s and ÖGK’s vaccination centers. The number of vaccination centers has been continuously expanded so far. The locations to date are in Karmelitergasse in Leopoldstadt, TownTown in Wien-Landstraße, Am Schöpfwerk in Meidling, Gasgasse in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, Martinstraße in Währing, Wassermanngasse in Floridsdorf, Schrödingerplatz and Austria-Center-Vienna at Bruno-Kreisky-Platz in Donaustadt.
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